Gas prices around home have been dropping over the last couple of weeks, in many areas below $3.00 per gallon. Not so for fuel prices for the military. The high prices may be going even higher.
A new Pentagon report obtained by The Wall Street Journal suggests that American motorists should consider themselves lucky to have such affordable fuel: U.S. military operations stationed in Afghanistan are paying a lot more than that… up to $400 per gallon of fuel delivered to troops on the ground – 100 times what we are asked to shell out.
The astronomical cost of fuel is due in part to how it must be delivered: by parachute. Huge military cargo planes operated by the Air Force fly to a remote drop zone and send dozens of pallets to the ground, containing items like food, water and, of course, fuel.
The news gets worse. Due to the dangers of setting up ground-based supply convoys, the military fully expects that air-drops will be increasingly necessary in the coming months and years. And that means our military’s fuel bill is only going to get more and more expensive.
We have two videos on the story posted here. One from the Wall Street Journal and the other from CBS news.
Source: The Wall Street Journal, CBS news